In a surprising twist in the ongoing saga surrounding the deposition of former Egyptian President Honsi Muburak it appears that the man himself is yet to leave the palace. A inside source stated "He's been locked in his room for days now just watching romantic comedies and eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. He's taken the break up really, really hard. Nobody really knows how to handle the situation so we figured he'll have to come out sooner or later for a toilet break and we can get him then".
The Author James Horton who recently wrote Mubarak's autobiography said "This is just like him to be honest, when he found out that i'd written some inflammatory remarks in the book he spent 4 hours in a cardboard box under the stairs weeping and refusing to come out. It wasn't until a personal bodyguard offered to buy him a strawberry cornetto that he eventually snapped out of it and declared that he was no longer a space man, so he could leave the 'ship' ". The Army Generals currently in charge of the country were unavailable for comment.
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